Celebrate popular culture in Atlantic Canada!
The Atlantic Entertainment Expo (AEX), formally known as the Island Entertainment Expo (IEX) is the signature popular culture convention in Atlantic Canada. Our primary show is currently hosted annually in Charlottetown, PE but in 2024, we held our first off-island show in Fredericton, NB.
The expo brings together artists, crafters, industry professionals, and enthusiasts from various disciplines, including music, theatre, film, visual arts, gaming, and more. It serves as a platform for local and regional talent to showcase their wares, while also providing an opportunity for networking, collaboration, and creative exchange.
March 29-30, 2025
APRIL 12-13, 2025
JULY 19-20, 2025

Did you know kids can attend AEX for FREE?
“In light of the current financial climate, it’s important to us that we make a show that is affordable for Atlantic Canadians. That’s why children 12 and under can attend for free. As a father of two myself, I know how expensive it can be. I hope this allows families to do more with their children and give them an opportunity to experience popular culture at the heart of our communities.”
Alex Maine
Creator of AEX
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Sarah Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
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Leland Bloggs
Founder of xyz.com
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Jessica Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
AEX focuses on several key areas. Gaming, music, movies, television and literature. Consider us similar to a comic-con event! Our event is produced from Prince Edward Island and is designed to support local and regional creators. But don’t worry, we always aim to bring a special guest or two from away!
Just like a regular fan convention, you can expect an array of displays, merchandise, events, activities, panels, talks, workshops, cosplay and of course, special guests. AEX is produced with a family friendly experience in mind. Our aim is to create an atmosphere suitable for everyone.
What to expect at AEX?

Our special guests have stories to tell, so let’s chat with them. We host one on one and small group interviews with all our guests and take questions from the audience. A must see at the expo.

We have panels on various topics of interest. You’ll have an opportunity to learn and ask questions. You can participate in debate and meaningful topics from across the industry.

The expo houses lots of hands on activities and workshops. Learn new things and experience new opportunities. We’ve partnered with relevant local companies to offer these.

Trialed for kids in 2022, we’re bringing the fun of interactive quests to AEX. Take on our challenges in exchange for special rewards. We won’t say more. Just wait and see what awaits you!

Whether you play on a table or on the floor, we have lots of classic games to play. We also have lots of indie titles for you to try for the first time through our various partners. Now roll a 6!

We have an acoustic stage which allows attendees to book a slot and perform to the attendees as they pass between halls. It’s a great way to experience local talent. Apply via the get involved page.

With over 4,000 attendees*, you’ll be amazed by an array of cosplays. While you may not recognize them all, it’s easy to get swept away as your favourite characters walk on by.

Looking to add to your merch? We have a selection of regional dealers who bring a wealth of goodies to the show. Perhaps you are looking for trading cards, figurines or branded clothes.

We have a massive selection of artists and crafters to browse. The creativity is boundless. Browse to your heart’s content. Be sure to support our local creators by taking home an item or two.

What’s your poison? Pokemon? Magic The Gathering? Whatever trading cards take your fancy, we have a selection of goods and activities. Learn how to play and participate in locally organized tournaments.

We have a wide range of consoles for you to play. From the latest and greatest to the classics from the 80s, 90s and 2000s. We offer a range of titles each day and interactive sessions for all ages. It’s a great way to experience gaming.

Local talent. Regional talent. International talent. We have everything you would expect. We work hard to bring interesting and relevant people to Atlantic Canada. You can meet with the guests and perhaps grab an autograph or two.